Klaviyo Marketing Mastery

Unlocking Klaviyo Segments for Email Marketing Success

Want to ace Klaviyo segments in email marketing? Dive into easy-to-follow strategies, tips, and success tales. Click to explore now!


Success in email marketing arises from a deep understanding of your audience. Recognizing this need, Klaviyo has emerged as an innovative email marketing platform, adept at supercharging your campaigns. A central element that sets Klaviyo apart is its powerful segmentation capability.

At the heart of this robust feature set are Klaviyo Segments, designed to revolutionize your klaviyo email marketing strategy. Join us as we explore how these segments can be a game-changer in your email marketing efforts.

Understanding Klaviyo Segments

In simple terms, Klaviyo segments are subsets of your entire contact list, grouped based on specific criteria. Unlike generic email lists that lump every subscriber together, segments are dynamic, evolving based on real-time data and user behaviors. Klaviyo’s genius lies in its ability to gather detailed data, such as website interactions and purchase histories, providing a foundation for these segmented lists.

Benefits of Segmenting Email Lists in Klaviyo

Utilizing the power of segmentation in Klaviyo can dramatically alter the trajectory of your email marketing campaigns, transforming them from generalized messages to tailored communications that resonate deeply with your audience. Let's delve deeper into the myriad benefits:

Enhanced Email Targeting

  • Tailored Content: Segmenting allows you to craft content that aligns perfectly with the preferences and behaviors of different audience subsets.
  • Improved Engagement: When recipients feel the email speaks directly to their interests, they're more likely to engage, leading to increased open and click-through rates.
  • Less Unsubscribing: Proper targeting reduces the chances of recipients finding your emails irrelevant, thereby decreasing unsubscribe rates.

Better Personalization

  • Customer-centric Approach: Segmentation means understanding your customers' journey, desires, and pain points, allowing for a more individualized approach.
  • Stronger Relationships: When emails reflect an understanding of a subscriber’s preferences, it fosters trust and loyalty.
  • Dynamic Content: Klaviyo allows for content variations within a single email based on segments, ensuring that the right message reaches the right person.

Timely and Relevant Emails

  • Behavior-triggered Campaigns: Send emails based on user actions. For instance, if a user abandons their cart, Klaviyo's segments can trigger an immediate reminder or discount offer.
  • Lifecycle Milestones: Recognize and reward milestones in a customer's lifecycle, like their first purchase anniversary or their tenth purchase, enhancing customer retention.

Higher ROI

  • Efficient Spend: With segments, your marketing budget is spent on campaigns that are more likely to convert, ensuring efficient use of resources.
  • Data-driven Insights: Segmentation in Klaviyo provides analytics on the performance of different segments, enabling continuous optimization.
  • Increased Sales: By reaching out with the right message at the right time, there's a higher likelihood of conversions and repeat purchases.

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Reduced Email Fatigue

  • Frequency Optimization: By understanding the different segments, you can adjust the frequency of emails. For instance, loyal customers might appreciate regular updates, while newer subscribers may prefer a bi-weekly introduction.
  • Value-packed Content: Ensure that each email delivers value relevant to the segment, reducing the chances of email overload and subscriber burnout.

Feedback Mechanism

  • Segment-specific Surveys: By targeting specific segments, you can gain more nuanced insights and feedback to continually refine your products, services, and email strategies.
  • Pulse on Customer Needs: Regular interactions with segmented lists provide a pulse on changing customer needs and preferences.

Klaviyo's segmentation is not just a feature; it's a strategic tool! When wielded correctly, it has the potential to elevate every aspect of your email marketing, bringing you closer to your customers while optimizing your return on investment.

Steps to Create Klaviyo Segments

Creating segments in Klaviyo isn’t merely about putting names into buckets; it's about understanding and segmenting your audience to optimize your communication strategies. With a user-friendly interface and an array of features, Klaviyo makes this process intuitive. Let’s dissect the segment creation process step by step:

  1. Log In & Navigate
  • Access: Start by logging into your Klaviyo account.
  • Dashboard: Once you're on the main dashboard, look for the ‘Lists & Segments’ tab. This is your portal to segmentation heaven.
  1. Initiate Segment Creation
  • Options: Within the ‘Lists & Segments’ tab, you'll find an option titled ‘Create Segment’. Click on it to begin.
  • Name Your Segment: Always assign a descriptive name. It helps when you’re juggling multiple segments. For instance, "Summer Sale Interested" could be a segment for those who clicked on a summer sale promotion but didn’t make a purchase.
  1. Define Your Criteria
  • Selection: Klaviyo offers a plethora of criteria for segmenting. Think of these as the rules that determine which subscribers fit into a segment.
  • Examples of Criteria: This could range from basic information like location or age to more intricate data such as those who opened the last three emails but didn’t make a purchase. You can even delve deeper into website behavior, like segmenting those who viewed a specific product page or read a particular blog post.
  1. Layer Multiple Conditions
  • Complex Segmentation: Klaviyo's power lies in its ability to allow multiple conditions for a segment. For example, you can segment users who are from New York, visited the shoe section, but didn’t buy.
  • Using ‘AND’ & ‘OR’ Operations: These operations let you refine your segments. Using ‘AND’ means a subscriber must meet both conditions, while ‘OR’ means they can meet either condition.
  1. Preview & Refine
  • Live Count: As you set your conditions, Klaviyo will show a live count of subscribers who match that segment.
  • Refinement: If the count is too high or too low, or not what you expected, tweak your conditions. The real-time feedback helps you perfect your segment before finalizing it.
  1. Save & Apply
  • Finalize: Once satisfied, click 'Create Segment'. Klaviyo then gets to work, filtering your subscribers based on the set conditions.
  • Utilization: Now that your segment is ready, use it for targeted email campaigns, analyze it for insights, or export it for other marketing endeavors.
  1. Monitor & Modify
  • Dynamic Updates: Remember, Klaviyo segments are dynamic. They auto-update based on user behavior and set criteria.
  • Review Periodically: Trends, behaviors, and business goals evolve. Revisit and adjust your segments periodically to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

And voilà! Segmentation in Klaviyo is like fine-tuning an instrument. It's about hitting the right notes with your audience to create harmonious and effective campaigns. By understanding and mastering the segment creation process, you're setting the stage for email marketing success.

Best Practices for Segmenting in Klaviyo

Segmentation is more than just a feature within Klaviyo—it's an art form. When done correctly, it can lead to significantly improved engagement and conversion rates. Let’s delve into the best practices to ensure your segmentation efforts are as effective as they can be:

Lifecycle-based Segmentation

  • Recognize The Customer Journey: It's crucial to understand where each subscriber stands in their journey with your brand. Are they a newbie? A loyalist? Maybe they're lapsing?
  • Tailor Your Approach: Each lifecycle stage demands a unique communication strategy. While new subscribers might need a welcome series, loyal customers might appreciate exclusive deals or insights.

Segment Size Matters

  • Striking A Balance: While you want segments to be targeted, if they're too tiny, they may not be worth the effort. Conversely, too large and they lose their tailored advantage.
  • Regular Monitoring: Periodically assess the size of your segments to ensure they remain actionable and efficient.

Regularly Update and Clean Segments

  • Data Evolution: As users interact with your brand, their segment relevance might change. For instance, a once active shopper could become dormant.
  • Hygiene is Essential: Regularly cleanse your lists to remove inactive subscribers, ensuring that your engagement metrics provide an accurate picture of your efforts.

A/B Test Everything

  • Continuous Optimization: Just because a segment seems effective doesn't mean it's at its best. Constantly test variables like email content, send times, or subject lines.
  • Iterate and Improve: Use the insights from your tests to refine your segments and the campaigns you deploy to them.

Utilize Multi-condition Segmentation

  • Layered Conditions: Klaviyo's strength lies in its ability to allow segmenting based on multiple conditions. Use this to create hyper-targeted segments.
  • Case Example: Instead of merely segmenting by “users who viewed a product”, layer it with “AND did not purchase in the last 30 days” for precision targeting.

Monitor Engagement Metrics by Segment

  • Metrics Matter: Regularly track how each segment performs in terms of open rates, click-through rates, conversions, and more.
  • Refinement: If a segment consistently underperforms, it might be time to reassess its criteria or the content being sent to it.

Prioritize Segmentation Based on Goals

  • Align With Objectives: Your business goals should dictate your segmentation strategy. If boosting sales is the aim, focus on segments like "high-intent but non-converting users."
  • Flexibility: As goals evolve—perhaps from acquisition to retention—your segmentation should adapt in tandem.

Keep It Relevant

  • Resonate with the Recipient: Always ensure the content tailored to each segment is truly relevant. If it's not, even the most meticulously crafted segment won't yield results.
  • Periodic Feedback: Occasionally, seek feedback from subscribers within a segment to gauge if your content resonates.

Stay Informed

  • Stay Updated with Klaviyo: The platform often rolls out new features and tools. Keeping abreast ensures you’re leveraging all available segmentation capabilities.
  • Industry Trends: Beyond Klaviyo, understand the broader email marketing landscape to incorporate industry-wide best practices.

Effective segmentation in Klaviyo is an ongoing process of refinement and adaptation. By adopting these best practices and continuously iterating, you position your brand for sustained email marketing success.

List vs Segment in Klaviyo: What's the Fundamental Difference?

Within the world of Klaviyo, the terms 'list' and 'segment' might seem interchangeable. Both, after all, group subscribers. But, diving deeper, they serve distinct purposes, governed by unique characteristics. Let’s unravel the nuances between these two vital elements:

Definition: The Foundational Understanding

  • List: A list in Klaviyo is akin to a roster. It is a manually curated set of subscribers or profiles. Once individuals are added to a list, they remain there until you decide to remove them or they choose to unsubscribe.
  • Segment: A segment, on the other hand, is a dynamic grouping. Subscribers enter or leave segments based on whether they meet specific criteria you've set. As their behavior or profile data changes, their segment memberships can also shift in real-time.

Static vs Dynamic: The Behavioral Contrast

  • List: Static by nature. Imagine it as a photograph, capturing a moment in time but unchanging unless manually altered.
  • Segment: Dynamic at heart. Think of it more as a video, constantly evolving and reflecting the current state of things based on criteria.

Comparative Analysis: When to Use Which?

  • Lists: Ideal for:
  • One-time campaigns: Sending a one-off promotional offer or a special announcement.
  • Newsletter subscribers: Those who've expressed interest in general updates from your brand.
  • Foundational sequences: Welcome sequences for new subscribers who've just joined your mailing list.
  • Segments: Best suited for:
  • Behavior-driven campaigns: Targeting users who've shown interest in specific products or abandoned their carts.
  • Lifecycle marketing: Addressing subscribers based on their journey stage, be it new subscribers, active customers, or dormant ones.
  • Personalized content delivery: Sending curated content based on user preferences, interactions, or demographics.

Practical Scenarios for Clarity:

  • Lists:
  • Scenario 1: You're launching a new product and want to inform only those who signed up for updates about this specific product launch.
  • Scenario 2: Monthly newsletters that go out to a dedicated set of subscribers.
  • Segments:
  • Scenario 1: You want to re-engage customers who purchased six months ago but haven't returned since. You create a segment to filter out these customers and send them a special comeback offer.
  • Scenario 2: For subscribers who frequently browse 'vegan products' on your website but haven't made a purchase, you segment them and send tailored content around veganism's benefits and testimonials from other vegan buyers.

While both lists and segments have their rightful place in Klaviyo's ecosystem, understanding their distinctions is crucial. By discerning when to deploy each, marketers can strike the right balance between broad communication and targeted outreach, maximizing the effectiveness of their email campaigns.

What Criteria Cannot Be Used to Create a Custom Segment

The power of Klaviyo largely hinges on its extensive segmentation capabilities. However, like any software platform, there are some boundaries. To employ Klaviyo's full potential, it's essential to understand not just what you can do, but also the platform's limitations. So, let’s explore some criteria that can't be employed when crafting a custom segment, along with the reasons behind these constraints:

1. External Third-Party Data (Not Integrated with Klaviyo):

  • Description: Any data from platforms or software that haven't been officially integrated with Klaviyo.
  • Reason: Klaviyo operates best within its ecosystem. For the sake of data security, integrity, and accuracy, only data from integrated platforms is allowed for segmentation.

2. Hyper-Specific Geolocation Data:

  • Description: Creating segments based on hyper-specific geolocations like 'People who live on Elm Street'.
  • Reason: While Klaviyo does provide geolocation segmentation, it's meant for broader scopes like city, state, or country. Excessive granularity could pose privacy issues and may not yield meaningful marketing insights due to limited data.

3. Real-time Behavior (with Immediate Trigger):

  • Description: Segments that are hyper-reactive, updating instantly based on real-time actions (e.g., "users who clicked a link 5 seconds ago").
  • Reason: Klaviyo's processing and updating times might have slight delays, making real-time segmentation challenging. Plus, such immediate actions might not always reflect genuine user intent.

4. Non-Action-Based Time Criteria:

  • Description: Criteria like "users who have not opened any email in the last 2.5 days". While you can segment based on specific days or broad ranges, fractional days might be an issue.
  • Reason: For consistency and simplicity, Klaviyo structures its time-based criteria around whole numbers and common ranges.

5. Data Not Explicitly Stored in Klaviyo:

  • Description: Any data points that are not stored directly within Klaviyo's system.
  • Reason: For optimal performance, data processing, and privacy compliance, Klaviyo utilizes only the data stored within its environment. External or unofficial data sources could compromise accuracy and compliance.

6. Ambiguous Behavioral Data:

  • Description: Vague or non-specific behaviors like "users who might be interested in shoes".
  • Reason: Klaviyo requires clear, actionable criteria for effective segmentation. Ambiguous data doesn’t provide a solid foundation for meaningful or accurate segments.

7. Overlapping or Contradictory Criteria:

  • Description: Conditions that contradict each other, like "users who have both purchased and not purchased in the last 30 days".
  • Reason: Such criteria result in logical inconsistencies, making it impossible for the system to determine which condition to prioritize or apply.

By understanding these limitations, marketers can more effectively utilize Klaviyo's powerful segmentation capabilities without running into challenges. While these constraints might seem restrictive, they exist to ensure that your email marketing remains efficient, accurate, and compliant!

Case Study: Successful Klaviyo Segmenting in Action

Company: Graza


Graza, under the astute guidance of co-founder and CEO Andrew Benin, wanted to foster lasting customer relationships using organic marketing channels, eliminating the transient impact of paid advertising. With Klaviyo's advanced segmentation tools, they devised an email strategy, which led to enhanced customer engagement and impressive results.

Challenge: Building Trust Beyond Transactions

Graza’s initial challenge was two-pronged:

  1. Sidestep the short-lived relationship-building of paid advertising.
  2. Engage customers meaningfully without bombarding them with generic emails.

As Andrew Benin highlighted, "Relationships are critical. We don’t use any paid channels. We have a 50% open rate because our customers want to talk to us."

Solution: Channeling Organic Growth

The team at Graza channelized their efforts into three primary organic marketing avenues: organic social, a creator gifting program, and, most notably, email marketing. With Klaviyo's potent segmentation functionalities, email emerged as the beacon of personalized communication for the brand.

Strategy: Harnessing the Power of Klaviyo Segmentation

Graza's email strategy, powered by Klaviyo, was marked by a meticulous approach:

  1. Granular Targeting: Emails were sent to specific cohorts defined by purchase frequency. For instance, customers purchasing every 2-3 weeks received different content compared to those purchasing every 4-6 weeks. This ensured messages felt personalized and timely.
  2. Restrained Design Philosophy: Despite the richness of content, Graza ensured that calls to action remained understated and were placed below the fold, reducing visual clutter and enhancing user experience.
  3. Limited Outreach: Rather than broad-brush tactics, Graza's emails often reached just 200-300 customers at a time. As Benin aptly put it, "I think we benefit from really direct communication."


Graza’s email strategy, infused with Klaviyo’s segmentation, became a testament to the power of focused, organic marketing. With a staggering 50% open rate, Graza not only strengthened its customer relationships but also showcased the profound impact of well-segmented, intention-driven communication.

In essence, Graza's success story with Klaviyo underlines the transformative power of targeted email marketing, highlighting the efficacy of genuine customer engagement over transactional relationships.

FAQs on Klaviyo Segments

Do Klaviyo segments update automatically?

Absolutely! They evolve based on user actions and set criteria.

Can I segment based on purchase history?

Indeed! It's one of Klaviyo's standout features.

How does Klaviyo differ from others?

It's the depth of data and real-time updating that sets Klaviyo apart.

Which businesses benefit most?

Any business keen on personalized, targeted marketing will reap Klaviyo's rewards.

How many segments should I have?

It varies, but always aim for relevance over quantity.

Can I automate campaigns?

Yes! Klaviyo’s automation tools pair perfectly with segments for efficient campaigns.


Segmentation is no longer just an option; it's a necessity in the universe of email marketing. As you've seen, Klaviyo’s segmentation tools are game-changers. It’s time to use their power, delivering content that resonates, boosts engagement, and drives sales. 

As you step forward, consider Klaviyo not just as an email marketing platform, but as a bridge to genuine, lasting relationships with your clientele.

Ready to supercharge your email marketing? Dive into Klaviyo segmentation.

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