Klaviyo Marketing Mastery

Why Are Klaviyo Emails Going to Spam and How to Fix It?

Facing issues with why are my Klaviyo emails going to spam? Uncover proven solutions in our comprehensive guide. Dive in to solve your email deliverability woes!


Klaviyo, as many in the industry recognize, is a premier email marketing platform, packed with an array of features for businesses of all sizes. However, a prevailing concern that many users face is why are Klaviyo emails going to spam? This not only dampens the efforts of marketers but also implies lost revenue and missed connections.

If you've found yourself grappling with this challenge and are seeking actionable solutions, you're in the right place. Read on to discover why this happens and, more importantly, how you can fix it!

Why Are my Klaviyo Emails Going to Spam?

Diving into the heart of the matter, there are numerous technical and content-driven nuances that might push emails going to spam. Klaviyo, despite its robust suite of tools, can't always shield you from the intricate and ever-evolving web of email deliverability algorithms. 

It's essential to have a comprehensive grasp of these factors to ensure your messages navigate these virtual mazes successfully.

Klaviyo Emails Going to Spam due to Technical Issues

When discussing email deliverability, especially in the world of platforms like Klaviyo, the technical underpinnings are often a significant component.

A slight misstep in these configurations can result in your emails being diverted away from your recipient's primary inbox and into the dreaded spam folder. Let's dissect some of the core technical reasons:

SPF/DKIM Misconfiguration: 

What are they? Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) are vital authentication methods used to combat email spoofing and phishing attacks. In simple terms, they are like your email's ID badge, proving to the recipient's server that you are who you say you are.

The Issue: If these are misconfigured or missing, recipient email servers might treat your emails with suspicion, thus leading them to classify your messages as spam.

Solution: Ensure that your domain's DNS settings include accurate and updated SPF and DKIM records aligned with Klaviyo's requirements. This might require coordination between your IT team and Klaviyo's support.

Shared Vs. Dedicated IP Addresses:

What are they? Every email sent from Klaviyo (or any email service provider) originates from an IP address. Users can either send emails from a shared IP address (used by many Klaviyo customers) or a dedicated IP address reserved exclusively for their use.

The Issue: On a shared IP, you're essentially pooling your sending reputation with other businesses. If any of those businesses indulge in poor emailing practices (like sending spam), it could tarnish the IP's reputation and impact your deliverability.

Solution: If you're sending a high volume of emails, consider migrating to a dedicated IP. This ensures that your email deliverability is dictated solely by your practices and not influenced by others. Klaviyo provides resources and guidance on when and how to make this shift.

Email List Quality:

What is it? The quality of your email list refers to how valid, current, and engaged your subscribers are.

The Issue: Old, outdated, or purchased email lists can have numerous invalid or non-existent email addresses. Sending to these can result in hard bounces, which negatively impact your sending reputation.

Solution: Regularly cleanse your email list by removing unengaged subscribers and using email verification tools to filter out invalid addresses. Implement double opt-in procedures to ensure subscribers genuinely want to receive your content.

While the technicalities behind ensuring your emails don't land in spam might seem daunting, they are manageable. With the right understanding, tools, and assistance, you can significantly improve your Klaviyo email deliverability.

Klaviyo Emails Going to Spam due to Content Red Flags

Your email content plays a pivotal role in determining its destination - inbox or spam. Just as email servers have technical checks, they also scan the content of emails to gauge their legitimacy and relevance. Here's a look at some prominent content-based triggers and how you can circumvent them:

Spam Trigger Words and Phrases:

What are they? Certain words and phrases are frequently associated with spammy content. When email algorithms detect an overabundance of these words, they're likely to flag the email as potential spam.

The Issue: Terms like "Congratulations," "Free," "Buy now," or "Urgent" might be legitimate in your email context, but their overuse or misuse has made them notorious in the email world.

Solution: Be judicious in your word choice. Use synonyms, rephrase your sentences, and ensure a natural, conversational tone. Tools and plugins that evaluate your content for spam triggers can be invaluable.

Heavy Image Usage & Poorly Optimized Layout:

What is it? Overloading emails with images or using a layout that doesn't render well across different devices and email clients can be a red flag.

The Issue: Excessive imagery not only increases the loading time but can also be perceived as an attempt to bypass spam filters which mainly scan textual content. Additionally, if your layout breaks or looks messy, users might mark your email as spam, affecting your sender reputation.

Solution: Adopt a balanced text-to-image ratio. Aim for 60% text and 40% imagery. Ensure your email design is responsive, meaning it displays correctly irrespective of the device or client. Platforms like Klaviyo offer templates and tools to help you achieve this.

Misleading Subject Lines and From Names: 

What are they? The subject line is the first thing your recipient sees, and the 'From Name' identifies the sender.

The Issue: Clickbait subject lines or unfamiliar sender names can mislead recipients. Not only is this a violation of email laws in many jurisdictions, but it also erodes trust.

Solution: Ensure your subject lines are an honest representation of your email content. Avoid ALL CAPS or excessive punctuation. Your 'From Name' should be recognizable, preferably your brand name or a well-known representative from your company.

Understanding and addressing these content pitfalls is not just about escaping the spam folder—it's about building a trustworthy relationship with your subscribers. After all, trust is at the heart of every successful email marketing strategy.

Klaviyo Emails Going to Spam due to Engagement Metrics

Engagement is the lifeblood of email marketing. It's no longer enough to simply avoid spam traps or use the right words; how recipients interact with your emails affects their deliverability. Let's unpack how and why:

Low Open Rates:

What is it? The open rate indicates the percentage of recipients who've opened your email. It's a basic but powerful metric of subscriber interest and relevance of your content.

The Issue: If your emails consistently experience low open rates, email providers might perceive your content as irrelevant or unwanted, pushing your emails to spam folders.

Solution: To improve open rates, craft compelling, relevant subject lines. Segment your audience to deliver personalized content. A/B testing different subject lines and sending times can also help pinpoint what resonates best with your audience.

High Unsubscription Rates: 

What is it? This metric denotes the number of recipients who choose to unsubscribe from your emails.

The Issue: A spike in unsubscriptions after a campaign is a clear indicator to email servers that recipients found your content undesirable or intrusive.

Solution: Maintain content relevance and consistency. Make sure you're not overloading subscribers with too many emails in a short span. Also, provide options for subscribers to adjust their email preferences, allowing them to choose the frequency or type of emails they receive.

Inactive or 'Cold' Subscribers:

What are they? Subscribers who haven’t engaged with your emails in a long time, be it through opens or clicks, are deemed 'cold' or inactive.

The Issue: Continually sending emails to inactive subscribers can hurt your overall engagement metrics. Moreover, it increases the risk of your emails being marked as spam by these recipients.

Solution: Run re-engagement campaigns targeting these subscribers, offering special deals, or simply checking in. If they remain inactive, consider removing them from your list or moving them to a less frequent mailing segment.

Engagement is a two-way street. While email marketers aim to inform, entertain, or drive action, subscribers want value and relevance. Balancing these aspects, while understanding the metrics, can significantly enhance email deliverability and foster stronger relationships with your audience.

Best Practices to Prevent Klaviyo Emails from Going to Spam

If you've ever wondered how to avoid the spam folder, you're not alone. Before delving into despair, it's good to know that with a few tweaks, you can improve your email deliverability significantly.

This section aims to arm you with the best practices to ensure your emails stand the best chance of hitting the desired inbox.

Optimizing Email Content

Crafting captivating email content isn't merely about aesthetics and a catchy headline; it’s also about ensuring the content respects the unwritten rules of email deliverability. Let’s look at ways to sharpen your email content for both subscribers and algorithms:

Avoid Spam Triggers:

Certain phrases and words, even if genuine in your context, are frequently flagged by email servers. Regularly update yourself on the list of potential spammy words and consider alternatives. For instance, instead of “Free trial,” try “Complimentary access.”

Maintain a Balanced Text-to-Image Ratio:

While visuals can enrich your content, excessive imagery can signal spam to email algorithms. Aim for a balanced 60:40 text-to-image ratio. Tools are available to help visualize this ratio before sending.

Keep URLs Trustworthy:

Shortened URLs or links that lead to dubious sites can trigger spam alarms. Always link to reputable domains and consider using branded URL shorteners.

All in all, it's essential to remember a few guiding principles when optimizing your email content. Steer clear of common spam trigger words, such as "double your income", "passwords", and "free investment". These can quickly diminish your deliverability rates.

Additionally, a golden rule in email design is ensuring a harmonious text-to-image ratio. Too many images can set off spam alarms, while too much text can overwhelm readers.

Technical Optimizations

Even the most compelling emails can fall into the spam abyss due to overlooked technical issues. The world of email marketing isn't just about eloquent content; it's intricately tied to the machinery behind the scenes.

While platforms like Klaviyo provide an edge with their sophisticated tools, users transitioning from other platforms might sometimes find their "flodesk emails going to junk." Such instances emphasize the gravity of technical know-how. Ensure your Klaviyo emails stand the best chance of reaching inboxes by:

Setting up SPF/DKIM Correctly:

These are authentication methods that prove to email servers your emails come from a trusted source. Klaviyo provides guidelines on setting these up—don’t skip this step.

Leveraging a Dedicated IP Address:

Sharing an IP address with other senders can be risky. If they send spammy content, it could impact your deliverability. Klaviyo offers dedicated IP addresses for high-volume senders, ensuring your reputation remains untarnished.

Improve Engagement

Segmenting your email list is a game-changer. By sending tailored content to specific segments, you can ensure higher relevancy and, in turn, better engagement.

Personalized content is not just adding the recipient's name; it's about delivering content that resonates with their preferences and behaviors.

An engaged subscriber list can significantly boost your email deliverability. Here are some strategies to make sure your subscribers remain interested and active:

Segmentation is Key: 

Not all subscribers are created equal. Segmenting your list ensures that your audience gets content tailored to their interests and interactions, which can significantly boost open rates.

Harness the Power of Personalization:

Beyond just using a subscriber's name, deep personalization involves tailoring content to their behavior, preferences, and past interactions. Dynamic content blocks in Klaviyo allow for content variations within the same email, ensuring relevancy for every reader.

Encourage Feedback:

Give subscribers a voice. Whether it's through polls, surveys, or reply prompts, allowing subscribers to provide feedback not only boosts engagement but offers invaluable insights for your strategies.

How to Monitor Email Deliverability with Klaviyo

Email marketing can sometimes present unexpected challenges for marketers. One such alarming scenario is when the total number of spam filter reached nears its limit.

When you're suddenly alerted that the "total number of spam filter reached 500," it's a red flag signaling the urgency to dive deep into the intricacies of your email campaigns and identify bottlenecks.

Awareness is the first step towards improvement. Klaviyo's analytics platform provides in-depth insights into your email performance.

Consistent monitoring of open rates and click-through rates can provide valuable insights into the health of your email campaigns. They can alert you to potential issues well before you hit alarming metrics such as the aforementioned spam filter thresholds.

Additionally, there are third-party tools that seamlessly integrate with Klaviyo. These platforms not only complement Klaviyo's innate analytics but also offer deeper insights into email deliverability, ensuring that you're always several steps ahead in your email marketing game.


Ensuring your Klaviyo emails reach your intended audience is not just about crafting compelling content but also understanding the intricacies of email delivery. Regularly refining your strategies, being cognizant of potential pitfalls, and monitoring metrics can make a world of difference.

Stay proactive, stay informed, and always strive for inbox success!


Why are my emails going to spam instead of the inbox?

Emails might land in spam due to technical misconfigurations, content red flags, or poor engagement metrics.

How do SPF and DKIM impact email deliverability?

SPF and DKIM are email authentication methods that prevent spoofing. Proper configuration ensures emails are genuinely from the sender, improving deliverability.

What are common spam trigger words to avoid in emails?

Words like "urgent", "win", "free", "guaranteed", among others, can potentially flag an email as spam.

How does Klaviyo ensure email deliverability?

Klaviyo provides tools and guidelines, including proper SPF/DKIM setup, analytics, and best practices to enhance email deliverability.

Is it essential to have a dedicated IP for sending emails?

A dedicated IP isolates your email reputation, ensuring only your actions affect deliverability. It's beneficial for businesses with substantial email volumes.

Can images in my email cause it to be marked as spam?

Yes, heavy reliance on images without balanced text can make an email appear spammy, affecting its deliverability.

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